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Služi vrhunskim pružateljima rješenja za lijevano željezo.

Too Crazy, the Price of Imported Iron Ore Hit a Six-Year High!

Prema medijskim izvještajima, ova će godina biti prvi put nakon 2013. godine da će prosječna godišnja cijena željezne rude biti iznad 100 američkih dolara po toni. Plattsov indeks cijena željezne rude od 62% stupnja željeza dosegnuo je 130,95 američkih dolara po toni, što je porast za više od 40% u odnosu na 93,2 američke dolara po toni na početku godine i rast veći od 50% u usporedbi na prošlogodišnjih 87 američkih dolara / toni.

Iron ore is the most outstanding commodity this year. According to data from S&P Global Platts, the price of iron ore has risen by about 40% this year, which is 16% more than the 24% rise of the second-ranked gold.

At present, the domestic pig iron market is stable and strong, and the transaction is fair; in terms of steelmaking, the steel market is weak and organized, and performance varies from place to place, and pig iron resources in some regions are still tight; in terms of ductile iron, iron factory inventory remains low, and some manufacturers limit production. Coupled with strong cost support, quotations are high.


Vrijeme objavljivanja: prosinac-02-2020