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Too Crazy, the Price of Imported Iron Ore Hit a Six-Year High!

Secundum ad media tradit, hoc anno MMXIII erit quom primus esse annua mediocris pretium ferrum ore erunt super US $ C / ton. Et Plattes ferrum chalcitis pretium index de LXII% ferrum gradu pervenit 130.95 US pupa / Langton, quae etiam terreni creverat imperii plus quam XL% a 93.2 US pupa / ton a principio anni et incrementum magis quam L% comparari LXXXVII, ad annum scriptor US pupa / ton.

Iron ore is the most outstanding commodity this year. According to data from S&P Global Platts, the price of iron ore has risen by about 40% this year, which is 16% more than the 24% rise of the second-ranked gold.

At present, the domestic pig iron market is stable and strong, and the transaction is fair; in terms of steelmaking, the steel market is weak and organized, and performance varies from place to place, and pig iron resources in some regions are still tight; in terms of ductile iron, iron factory inventory remains low, and some manufacturers limit production. Coupled with strong cost support, quotations are high.


Post tempus, Dec-02-2020