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Serves premium cast iron solution providers.

How to Cut Cast Iron Pipe: A Step-by-Step Guide

Dinsen Impex Corp is a professional supplier of cast iron drainage pipe systems in China. Our pipes are supplied in standard lengths of 3 meters but can be cut to the required size. Proper cutting ensures that the edges are clean, right-angled, and free from burrs. This guide will teach you two methods for cutting cast iron pipes: using snap cutters and using a reciprocating saw.

Method 1: Using Snap Cutters


Snap cutters are a common tool for cutting cast iron pipes. They work by wrapping a chain with cutting wheels around the pipe and applying pressure to make the cut.

Step 1: Mark the Cut Lines

Use chalk to mark the cut lines on the pipe. Make sure the lines are as straight as possible to ensure a clean cut.

Step 2: Wrap the Chain

Wrap the chain of the snap cutter around the pipe, ensuring the cutting wheels are evenly distributed and as many wheels as possible are in contact with the pipe.

Step 3: Apply Pressure

Apply pressure to the handles of the cutter to cut into the pipe. You may need to score the pipe several times to get a clean cut. If you’re cutting a replacement pipe on the ground, you might need to rotate the pipe slightly to align the cut.

Step 4: Complete the Cut

Repeat these steps for all other marked lines to complete the cuts.

Method 2: Using a Reciprocating Saw


A reciprocating saw with a metal-cutting blade is another effective tool for cutting cast iron pipes. These blades are typically made with carbide grit or diamond grit, designed to cut through hard materials.

Step 1: Fit the Saw with a Metal-Cutting Blade

Choose a long blade designed for cutting metal. Ensure it is securely attached to the saw.

Step 2: Mark the Cut Lines

Use chalk to mark the cut lines on the pipe, ensuring they are straight. Hold the pipe securely in place. You might need an extra person to help keep it steady.

Step 3: Cut with a Reciprocating Saw

Set your saw to a low speed and allow the blade to do the work. Avoid applying excessive pressure, as this can cause the blade to snap. Cut along the marked line, keeping the saw steady and allowing it to cut through the pipe.

Safety Tips

  •   • Wear protective gear: Always wear safety glasses, gloves, and ear protection when cutting cast iron.
  •   • Secure the pipe: Ensure the pipe is securely clamped or held in place to prevent movement during cutting.
  •   • Follow the tool’s instructions: Make sure you are familiar with the operation of the snap cutter or reciprocating saw and follow the manufacturer’s instructions.

By following these steps and safety tips, you’ll be able to cut cast iron pipes accurately and safely. If you have further questions or need additional assistance, contact Dinsen Impex Corp for more information.

Post time: Apr-30-2024