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The WFO Technical Forum (WTF) 2017 was Held from March 14 to 17, 2017

di Johannesburg, Afrika Selatan, bersamaan dengan South African Metal Casting Conference 2017. Hampir 200 pekerja pengecoran dari seluruh dunia menghadiri forum tersebut.

The three days included academic/technical exchanges, WFO executive meeting, the general assembly, 7th BRICS Foundry Forum, and a foundry exhibition. A seven-member delegation of the Foundry Institution of Chinese Mechanical Engineering Society (FICMES) attended the event.

There were 62 technical papers from 14 countries presented and published in the conference proceedings. Their topics focused on the development trend of the global foundry industry, problems that urgently need to be solved, and development strategy. The delegates of FICMES shared in technical exchanges and in-depth discussions with conference participants. Five Chinese speakers gave presentations including Professor Zhou Jianxin and Dr. Ji Xiaoyuan of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Professor Han Zhiqiang and Professor Kang Jinwu of Tsinghua University, and Mr. Gao Wei of China Foundry Association.

Nearly 30 foundry-based companies showed their updated products and equipment in the foundry exhibition, such as melting equipment and accessories, moulding and core making equipment, die-casting equipment, foundry raw and auxiliary materials, automation and control equipment, casting products, computer simulation software, as well as rapid prototyping technology.

On March 14th, WFO held their general assembly. Mr. Sun Feng, Vice President and Su Shifang, Secretary General of FICMES, participated in the meeting. Mr. Andrew Turner, Secretary-General of WFO gave a report on issues such as the WFO financial situation, the latest list of members of the Executive Committee and the tours of the World Foundry Congress (WFC) and WTF in the next few years: the 73rd WFC, September 2018, Poland; WTF 2019, Slovenia; 74th WFC, 2020, Korea; WTF 2021, India; 75th WFC, 2022, Italy.

Waktu posting: Nov-26-2017