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  • ፌስቡክ
  • ትዊተር
ፕሪሚየም የብረት ብረት መፍትሄ አቅራቢዎችን ያገለግላል።


  • ቀነስ


    Name: Reducer
    Size:DN 20*15 - 100*80
    Material: stainless steel304/316L
    Payment Terms: TT 30% as down payment and the balance paid before delivery in EXW per Incoterms 2010
    Pacckage: Products apply general carton package, wooden tray or crane will charge extra cost.
    Standard: Fittings conforms to GB/T19228 which are suitable for pipes with DIN EN10312-OD15/18/22/28/35/42/54/76.1/88.9/108 mm. Working pressure<=1.6 mpa.
    Fittings wall material varies with sizes: Size15/18/ 22/28/ 35/54 mm-1.5mm, Size 76.1/88.9/108mm-2.0mm.
    ② Fittings Thread conforms to GB/T 7306.1-2000 (equal to EN10226-1: 2004 or ISO7-1: 1994 ).
    Warranty: Products featured a 2 years limitted wattanty under normal use.
    Lead time: 45 days generally or negotiable
  • RTD-E Single plate-type pipeline repair clamp

    RTD-E Single plate-type pipeline repair clamp

    Name:RTD-E Single plate-type pipeline repair clamp
    Diameter range: 59-118
    Material: stainless steel
    Shell: Stainless steel AISI304,AISI316L,AISI316Ti,
    Seal ring:EPDM,NBR
    Additionally; optional H NBR MVQ,VITON A
    Fastening :Anti-corrosion Dacromet treatment of heavy-duty
    bolts, pins stainless steel,PTFE accessories can also be selected
  • RTD-F Double plate-type pipeline repair clamp

    RTD-F Double plate-type pipeline repair clamp

    Name:RTD-F Double plate-type pipeline repair clamp
    Diameter range: 59-118
    Material: stainless steel
    Shell: Stainless steel AISI304,AISI316L,AISI316Ti,
    Seal ring:EPDM,NBR
    Additionally; optional H NBR MVQ,VITON A
    Fastening :Anti-corrosion Dacromet treatment of heavy-duty
    bolts, pins stainless steel,PTFE accessories can also be selected
  • RTD-D Double-clip pipeline repair clamp

    RTD-D Double-clip pipeline repair clamp

    Name:RTD-D Double-clip pipeline repair clamp
    Size: DN25-500
    Material: stainless steel
    Shell: Stainless steelAISI304,AISI316L,AISI316Ti,
    Seal ring:EPDM,NBR
    Additionally; optional H NBR MVQ,VITON A
    Fastening :Anti-corrosion Dacromet treatment of heavy-duty
    bolts, pins stainless steel,PTFE accessories can also be selected
  • RTD-C Single-clip pipeline repair clamp

    RTD-C Single-clip pipeline repair clamp

    Name: RTD-C Single-clip pipeline repair clamp
    Size: DN25-500
    Material: stainless steel
    Shell: Stainless steel AISI304/AISI316U/AISI316T
    Seal ring:EPDM,NBR
    Additionally; optional H NBR MVQ,VITON A
    Fastening :Anti-corrosion Dacromet treatment of heavy-duty
    bolts, pins stainless steel,PTFE accessories can also be selected
  • Coupling  Rapid

    Coupling Rapid

    ስም: የብረት ብረት ቧንቧ
    ቁሳቁስ: አይዝጌ ብረት
    መደበኛ: EN877
    ጭነት: ከማይዝግ ብረት መጋጠሚያ
    ጥቅል: የእንጨት ሣጥን
    ማድረስ: በባህር
    የመደርደሪያ ሕይወት: 50 ዓመታት

    ዓይነት B: ፈጣን የማጣመጃ
    መጠን: ከ DN40 እስከ DN200
  • Hand Held Pipe Cutter

    Hand Held Pipe Cutter

    Blade size: 42mm, 63mm, 75mm
    Shank length: 235-275mm
    Blade length: 50-85mm
    Tip angle: 60
    Blade material: SK5 imported steel with Teflon coating on the surface
    Shell material: aluminum alloy
    Features: self-locking ratchet, adjustable gear, prevent rebound
    Teflon coating makes the pipe cutting machine have good performance as follows:
    1.Non-stick: Almost all substances are not bonded to the Teflon coating. Very thin films also exhibit good non-stick properties.
    2. Heat resistance: Teflon coating has excellent heat resistance and low temperature resistance. It can withstand high temperature up to 260°C in a short period of time, and can be used continuously between 100°C and 250°C in general. It has remarkable thermal stability. It can work at freezing temperatures without embrittlement, and does not melt at high temperatures.
    3. Slidability: Teflon coating film has a low friction coefficient, and the friction coefficient is only between 0.05-0.15 when the load is sliding.
  • ASTM A888 Hubless Pipe

    ASTM A888 Hubless Pipe

    ASTM A888 የፍሳሽ ማስወገጃ ብረት ቧንቧ ቧንቧ
    መገጣጠሚያዎች ASTM A888 дренажные фитинги чугунные መጠኖች
    መደበኛ: ASTM A888
    ቁሳቁስ-ግራጫ ብረት
    አተገባበር-የግንባታ ፍሳሽ ፣ የብክለት ፍሰት ፣ የቆሻሻ ውሃ የዝናብ ውሃ
    የክፍያ ጊዜ-ቲ / ቲ ፣ ኤል / ሲ ፣ ወይም ዲ / ፒ
    የማምረት አቅም-1500 ቶን / በወር
    የመላኪያ ጊዜ ከ20-30 ቀናት
    MOQ: 1 * 20 መያዣ
    ባህሪዎች ጠፍጣፋ እና ቀጥ ያለ; ያለ ጉድለት ከፍተኛ ጥንካሬ እና ጥንካሬ ፣ ለመጫን እና ለመጠገን ቀላል; ረጅም ዕድሜ ፣ የእሳት መከላከያ እና ጫጫታ መቋቋም; የአካባቢ ጥበቃ

    ይህ ስርዓት እንደ ንፅህና እዳሪ ፣ ቆሻሻ እና ፍሳሽ ማስወገጃ (DWV) ፣ የፍሳሽ ማስወገጃ እና የማዕበል ፍሳሽ ማስወገጃ መተግበሪያዎች ባሉ ግፊት በሌላቸው መተግበሪያዎች ውስጥ እንዲጠቀሙበት የታሰበ ነው ፡
    ዲንሴን ሁሉንም ዓይነት ሀብለስለስ ያለ የብረት አፈር ቧንቧ እና መገጣጠሚያዎችን ከ DN40 እስከ DN300 ድረስ ያቀርባል ፡፡ ሁሉም የእኛ የብረት ብረት ቧንቧ እና
    ይመረታሉ ፡ በተመጣጣኝ ሁኔታ በሁሉም ዓይነት ሕንፃዎች ውስጥ ሊያገለግል ይችላል ፡፡
  • NoHub-SML P-Trap

    NoHub-SML P-Trap

    በእሱ ቅርፅ ምክንያት ወጥመዱ ከተጠቀመበት ጊዜ በኋላ የተወሰነ ውሃ ይይዛል ፡፡ ይህ ውሃ የፍሳሽ ማስወገጃ ጋዝ ከፍሳሽ ማስወገጃ ቱቦዎች ተመልሶ ወደ ህንፃው እንዳያልፍ የሚያግድ የአየር ማህተም ይፈጥራል ፡፡ በመሰረቱ የመታጠቢያ ገንዳዎችን ፣ የመታጠቢያ ገንዳዎችን እና የመታጠቢያ ገንዳዎችን ጨምሮ ሁሉም የቧንቧ እቃዎች ከውስጣዊም ሆነ ከውጭ ወጥመድ ጋር የታጠቁ መሆን አለባቸው ፡፡ መጸዳጃ ቤቶች ሁልጊዜ ማለት ይቻላል ውስጣዊ ወጥመድ አላቸው ፡፡
  • No Hub- SML 88°Corner branch

    No Hub- SML 88°Corner branch

    የመጡ ቅርንጫፎች ከተለያዩ አቅጣጫዎች ከሚመጡት የቅርንጫፍ ፍሰቶች ወደ ዋና የአፈር ክምችት ለማገናኘት ያገለግላሉ ፡፡ ስሙ እንደሚያመለክተው ብዙውን ጊዜ በአንድ ክፍል ጥግ ላይ ይገኛሉ ፡፡

    የዚህ 88 ዲግሪ ማእዘን ቅርንጫፍ አንግል ራስን ማፅዳትን የሚያበረታታ ባለ 2 ዲግሪ ውድቀት ይፈጥራል ፡፡
  • Hubless-SML Round Access Pipe

    Hubless-SML Round Access Pipe

    የኤስ.ኤም.ኤል ክብ ቧንቧዎች ፣ ብልሹ እና የገፀ ምድር የውሃ ፍሳሽ ማስወገጃ ስርዓት
    እንደ ‹Bends› ፣ ‹Junctions› ፣ ‹Rodding Access› እና የመዳረሻ መግጠሚያዎች ያሉ የተለያዩ የተለያዩ አካላትን ከኢንስፔክሽን ቻምበር እና ከማንሆል መሠረቶች ጋር ያካትታል ፡
  • Hot New Products ——Loose Flanges for Ductile Iron Pipe (China En545 PN16)

    Hot New Products ——Loose Flanges for Ductile Iron Pipe (China En545 PN16)

    Fittings for socket joints
    የአንገትጌ ዓይነት እና ኬ ዓይነት
    ባለ ሁለት ሶኬት ማጠፍ 90 ° (1/4)
    ባለ ሁለት ሶኬት ማጠፍ 45 ° (1/8)
    ባለ ሁለት ሶኬት ማጠፍ 22.5 ° (1/16)
    ባለ ሁለት ሶኬት ማጠፍ 11.25 ° (1/32)
    ሁሉም ሶኬት ቲ
    ሁሉም ሶኬት ቴይ በ 45 ° አንግል ቅርንጫፍ
    ባለ ሁለት ሶኬት ቲኬት ከ flanged ቅርንጫፍ ጋር
    ባለ ሁለት ሶኬት ታፔር
    ሁሉም ሶኬት የሚያቋርጡ

    ስፒግ መገጣጠሚያዎች Flanged ሶኬት
    Flanged spigot