Cina DA-C25001 / 29001/33001/37001 tuang beusi pabrik peralatan masak kualitas luhur sareng pabrik | DINSEN
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DA-C25001 / 29001/33001/37001 tuang beusi alat masak kualitas luhur

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Didamel ku beusi corong beurat-tugas, oven Walanda nahan panas ogé sareng nyebarkeunana sacara merata, Panas nyebarkeun tuntas dina dasarna anu rata sareng rata sareng sapanjang sisi jangkung pikeun hasil masak anu optimal. Komo deui, éta ngagaduhan finish énamel. éta moal ngaréaksikeun dahareun. Ieu ngabantosan pikeun mastikeun rasa murni sareng ngajantenkeun pot janten pilihan anu hadé pikeun marinating, masak sareng nyimpen tuangeun.
Oven Walanda dipikacinta kusabab desainna anu sampurna sareng ingetan panas anu luar biasa anu ngonci Uap sareng rasa pikeun ngahasilkeun hasil anu unggul tina kompor dugi ka oven kana méja. Dirancang pikeun sababaraha generasi katahanan, enamel porsélén anu gampang dibersihkeun henteu kedah bumbu, ngirangan nempel sareng aman pikeun mesin cuci piring.

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* Enamel anu gampang dibersihkeun sareng awét tahan kusam, pewarnaan, chipping sareng retakan

* Tombol ergonomis sareng cekelanana dirancang pikeun gampang diangkat

* Siap dianggo, teu kedah bumbu

* Ingetan panas anu tiada tara sareng pemanasan

* Anggo pikeun marinate, kulkas, masak, sareng sayogi

* Saé kanggo kompor induksi

  • HIGH QUALITY MATERIAL - This sauce pan is made from kualitas luhur beusi matak for unparalleled strength, heat retention and heat distribution.
  • ERGONOMIC HANDLE - Thick and sturdy handle designed for easy handling. The lid has a stainless steel knob and provides a sure grip.
  • EVEN HEAT DISTRIBUTION – Thanks to the even heat distribution capacity of the cast iron sauce pan, no food will be left uncooked.
  • VERSATILE - Shallow enough for high-heat searing and sautéing yet deep enough for slow-cooking.
  • EASY TO CLEAN - Just use light soap and warm water.

A great meal starts with a great pan, and this extra-large, porcelain-enamelled cast iron, all-purpose Sauté Pan is a signature piece. One of the most versatile items of cookware that the discerning chef could ask for, this generously-sized pan is just right for preparing a hearty beef stew, lamb curry, veal Marsala or coq au vin for just two, or a whole family. Cast iron distributes heat evenly and quickly allowing you to sear in juices on the cook top before transferring the pan to the oven for slow cooking. Deep fry, sauté, braise or simmer an entire meal in one pan. A heavy-duty lid securely seals in moisture and flavour and naturally bastes the food inside, whilst the high sides help with spatters. Three coats of beautifully hand-polished, scratch-resistant Mediterranean blue enamel make it wonderfully easy to clean. Broiler, cook top, induction, and oven-safe to 800°C. Will last a lifetime.

  • DUTCH OVEN CASSEROLE DISH – This cast iron casserole dish will help you cook to perfection on the hob or in the oven, while providing an elegant centrepiece from which to serve home-cooked meals at the table. Perfect for roasting, braising or even for cooking curries and chillies.
  • ERGONOMIC HANDLES – Extra wide and easy to hold, two ergonomic handles let you transfer delicious meals directly to the table without any hassle.
  • TIGHT-FITTING LID – Designed to seal in heat and moisture, keeping your meal rich and delicious.
  • READY FOR ANY HOB OR ANY OVEN - Use under the grill or on any hob type; including induction hobs, gas hobs or ceramic hobs. Able to withstand oven temperatures up to 200°C / 500°F.

Nami produk:
Jumlah Modél
Ukuran: 25.2 * 17.4 * 8.8cm / 29 * 21.5 * 10.6cm / 33 * 26.5 * 11.7cm / 36.5 * 26.3 * 12.1cm
Fitur: Ramah lingkungan, dibekelan
Sértipikasi: FDA, LFGB, SGS
Brand Brand: DINSEN
Coating: warni enamel
Useage: Home pawon & réstoran
Packing: Brown box
Min. Order Quantity: 1000pcs
Tempat asalna: Hebei, china (Daratan)
Pelabuhan: Tianjin, Cina
Istilah pamayaran: T / T, L / C



Oven aman dugi ka 500 ° F.

Anggo alat kai, palastik atanapi nilon tahan panas pikeun nyingkahan permukaan anu henteu nganggo corétan.

Entong nganggo semprotan masak aerosol; durukan kana waktos bakal nyababkeun tuangeun nempel.

Ngidinan panci pikeun niiskeun lengkep sateuacan nempatkeun tutup dina luhur.


Mesin pencuci piring aman.

Ngidinan panci pikeun niiskeun sateuacan dikumbah.

Hindarkeun nganggo wol waja, bantalan pamupus waja atanapi deterjen anu keras.

Résidu dahareun nekad jeung noda dina interior nu bisa dihapus ku sikat bulu lemes; nganggo bantalan atanapi bolu nonabrasif dina éksteriorna.


Perusahaan Kami

Dinsen Impex Corp , established in 2009, is committed to supplying exquisite and super casting products, the cast iron cookware in hotel, restaurants, outdoor and home-kitchen fields for global market . Our products include baking wares, BBQ cookware, casserole, Dutch oven, Grill pan, skillets-Frying pan ,wok etc .
Quality is the life. Over the years , Dinsen Impex Corp focuses on the continuous improvement and innovation in manufacturing and quality. Equipped with DISA sareng lini produksi pra-musim, pabrik urang disahkeun ku sistem ISO9001 & BSCI ti saprak 2008, sareng ayeuna omzet taunan parantos dugi ka USD12 juta dina 2016. Alat masak beusi tuang parantos gancang diékspor langkung ti 20 nagara sareng daérah, sapertos Jérman, Inggris, Perancis sareng Amérika Serikat jsb.

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