• 關於商品的橫幅
  • How to choose a cast iron pot?

    How to choose a cast iron pot?

    1.Weighing Cast iron pots are generally made of pig iron and iron-carbon alloy casting. This is known to everyone. Therefore, cast iron pots have one of the biggest characteristics, which is heavy, but it does not rule out that other pots also have this feature. Some carbon on the market Steel or ceramic pots are heavy pots. Therefore, weighing can only be regarded as a small reference when choosing. 2. Look at pot noodles To look at the surface of the ...
  • How to maintain the cast iron pot

    How to maintain the cast iron pot

    The advantages of cast iron pans are obvious: they can be placed not only on the stove, but also in the oven. In addition, the cast iron pot has good thermal conductivity, and the lid can keep the steam from losing. The dishes made in this way not only maintain the original taste of the ingredients, but also can be simmered in the residual temperature. 1. New pot cleaning guide Boil the water and pour it out, then heat it on a low heat, take a piece of ...
  • Dinsen SML Pipe and Cast Iron Cookware are recognized by government officials

    Dinsen SML Pipe and Cast Iron Cookware are recognized by government officials

    Local government officials came to visit our company ,give us recognition and encourage us to export On August 4. Dinsen, as a high-quality export enterprise,has played a leading role in professional exports in the field of cast iron pipes,fittings,stainless steel couplings. During the meeting, government officials asked about our business environment, whether we need policy support, and other care. Our company introduced our SML pipes and cast iron pan...
  • 河南大雨


    連日來,河南鄭州、新鄉、開封等地遭遇特大暴雨。 這一過程呈現出積雨量大、歷時長、短時強降雨、極端現象突出的特點。 中央氣象台預測,強降雨中心將北移,豫北部分地區仍有大雨或特大暴雨...
  • 鼎森慶祝中國共產黨成立100週年!


    一百年,跌宕起伏。 從一艘小紅船,到一艘引領中國安定長遠征程的巨輪,如今,中國共產黨終於迎來了百年華誕。 從最初擁有50多名黨員的馬克思主義政黨,發展成為擁有超過9100萬黨員的世界上最大的執政黨。 中國共產黨成立100年是建黨100年...
  • As a professional supplier of drainage solutions in China, Dinsen wishes everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival

    As a professional supplier of drainage solutions in China, Dinsen wishes everyone a healthy Dragon Boat Festival

    We have just passed the Dragon Boat Festival, the traditional Chinese cultural festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, also known as the Dragon Boat Festival, the Dragon Boat Festival, and the Tianzhong Festival. It originated from the worship of natural celestial phenomena and evolved from the sacrifice of dragons in ancient times. In the midsummer Dragon Boat Festival, the Canglong Qisu soared in the middle of the sky in the south, and was in the most ...
  • 什麼是荷蘭烤箱?


    什麼是荷蘭烤箱? 荷蘭烤箱是圓柱形的重型烹飪鍋,帶有緊密貼合的蓋子,可用於爐灶頂部或烤箱中。 重金屬或陶瓷結構為內部烹飪的食物提供恆定、均勻和多方向的輻射熱。 荷蘭烤箱用途廣泛,是真正的萬能炊具。 世界各地的荷蘭烤爐,正如今天在美國所稱的那樣,已經……
  • 購買最好的荷蘭烤箱時要尋找的東西


    購買最好的荷蘭烤箱時要注意什麼 購買荷蘭烤箱時,您首先要考慮最適合您需求的尺寸。 最受歡迎的內部尺寸在 5 到 7 夸脫之間,但您可以找到小至 3 夸脫或大至 13 夸脫的產品。很好地為您服務。 請記住,較大的鍋會很重(例如...
  • 素食煎鍋披薩


    Vegetarian Skillet Pizza METHOD:  1.In a small bowl, add the warm water and the active dried yeast and stir to combine. Let it sit for 10 minutes while the yeast dissolves.  2.Once dissolved, in a large bowl combine the flour, salt, sugar, oil and the dissolved yeast and water. Mix it together well with a fork to create a sticky dough.  3.Place the dough into a clean bowl. Over the next hour, perform 4 sets of stretch and folds...
  • 什麼是鑄鐵調味料?


    什麼是鑄鐵調味料? 調味料是一層硬化的(聚合的)脂肪或油,烤到鑄鐵表面以保護它並確保不粘烹飪性能。 就那麼簡單! 調味料是天然、安全且完全可再生的。 您的調味料會隨著經常使用而變化,但如果保養得當,通常會隨著時間的推移而積累。 如果您在烹飪或清潔時丟失了一些調味料,請不要擔心,您的...
  • 如何清潔鑄鐵炊具


    遵循這些鑄鐵清潔的最佳實踐,讓您的鑄鐵烹飪世代相傳。 清潔鑄鐵很容易。 在我們看來,熱水、一塊抹布或結實的紙巾和一點肘部油脂都是您對鑄鐵的需求。 遠離百潔布、鋼絲絨和像 Barkeeper's Friend 這樣的研磨性清潔劑,因為它們很可能會直接擦洗整個調味品,除非您計劃在清潔後重新調味。 有個...
  • 如何用鑄鐵炊具烹飪


    遵循這些烹飪技巧,每次都能做到正確。 始終預熱 在增加熱量或添加任何食物之前,始終將平底鍋預熱 5-10 分鐘。 要測試您的煎鍋是否足夠熱,請向其中輕彈幾滴水。 水應該發出嘶嘶聲並跳舞。 不要用中火或高溫預熱煎鍋。 這非常重要,不僅適用於鑄鐵,也適用於您的其他炊具。 溫度變化非常快...